No, not Baby Cakes, Sweetie Pie, or other confectionery cooing. Not my dearest darling snooky snuggle bear.
Not those pet names.
We’re talking Virginia Woof, or Bing Clawsby. Iggy Pup, or Captain Poopfoot or even vanilla standards like Rex or Rover or Scooter or Rascal. PET names. Or animal companion names, if you must.
That’s this week’s topic du jour – the names we give animals. WE has a proud history of songwriting about animals. The WE Songwriting Service has counted the subject among the most popular requests, from haunting refrains on losing one’s furry companion to the great beyond, and more. WE’ve even touched on this more specific topic before, with not one but TWO songs sharing the names of little dogs close to Ben’s heart. Zenzi – Ben’s Mom’s feisty daschund, and of course Saturday, Ben’s wife’s lovable little ball of disaster.
Why those names? Why anything at all? It’s not like the damn things listen. Some are great, and some are not (it’s not like WE’re one’s to be pointing fingers when it come’s to naming things). But all are welcome fodder for a songwriting challenge.
There’s a moniker mystery ready to be unraveled here, and I know just the guys to do it: Dr. MJV and Professor Ben Baier. The finished songs will be posted Monday of next week. Failure to complete the challenge will result in you introducing yourself to strangers with your new pet name of the band’s choice, all night, at the next WE show.
What are some of your favorite pet names? Let us know in the comments below, and here’s a little something to tide you over until Monday.
And don’t get all uppity about the cruel tactics likely used to make the video. It was the 1930’s – they didn’t know!
I almost forgot one of my favorite pet names. Our friends Tate and Brytt named their newest kitty Marvin Laser.
Which is awesome.