Three Imaginary Girls presents: 10th Anniversary Rockstar Karaoke New Wave Bash

Our favorite Seattle Sparkly Indie-Pop Press, Three Imaginary Girls, is turning 10 years old. Hooray! To celebrate, the ladies will be gathering up all of your favorite Seattle rockers (including WE) in one place for the greatest new wave karaoke bash the world has ever seen… and this is all happening tonight!

Friday, June 1st at Chop Suey
Three Imaginary Girls presents:
The 10th Anniversary Rockstar Karaoke New Wave Bash
featuring indie rockstar karaoke performances and new wave fun
8:30 Doors / 21+

WE are very excited to be a part of this event and feel very fortunate to live in a world where Three Imaginary Girls exists. For the past 1o years they have supported the Seattle Music Community like no other. Plus they’ve been known to drop a kind word or two about WE every so often, including this little nugget of joy:

“If We Wrote the Book on Connectors were your little brother, you’d want to pinch his cheeks, get him in a playful headlock and proceed to give him a noogie.”
– Three Imaginary Girls

The Seattle rockers who will be tackling the karaoke mic in the style of new wave include:

Sean Nelson (current WE nemesis)
Lesli Wood
Megan Seling
Jenny Jimenez
Shane Tutmarc
Alicia Amiri
Cristina Bautista
Anna Banana Lange
Jenny George

and members of:

The Young Evils
Math & Physics Club
Tennis Pro (Yay!)
Mal de Mer
Black Nite Crash
The Mangles
Your Favorite Book
We Wrote the Book on Connectors (that’s us)

It can’t get any more astonishing, right? Well, the rockstars aren’t the only ones taking the mic, we want YOU to sing too! Throughout the night, audience members can volunteer to take the Chop Suey stage by storm to karaoke their favorite new wave hit. Folks will be chosen first come, first served, so get there and turn in your song early.

WE highly encourage your attendance. Come wish the girls a big Happy Birthday!

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