WE music streaming online – FREE

WE currently have well over one hundred orignal songs streaming online. Most of which you can download for free. Or you can drop us some coinage. Whichever you prefer. Party on, internet! Love, WE.

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The first official WE music video

Fun Machine Theme Song #3

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WEekly Challenge #12- Back to School (the song)

Weekly Challenge Number 12 - Back to School
I had a lot of fun with the Raptastic challenge last week, so this week I wrote another rap song song! I’m starting to think that with a little practice, I could right some pretty sweet raps. You might be hearing more of it in the future!

I drew a lot of inspiration from my elementary and middle school years, and some things from the song are autobiographical, but I never got detention for flipping a teacher “the bird”.

I did however play the trumpet and I think it’s appropriate to feature the trumpet on this song.

Hooray! Enjoy!


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Happy Birthday Ben Folds!

Today is Ben Folds’ Birthday. Hooray! A few years ago I bumped into him at a Starbucks on Capitol Hill. Look how excited he was to meet me. It is not every day that he gets to meet a famous mega rock star such as myself. I’m sure it was quite a thrill.

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Pay Attention – WEekly Challenge #12 – song complete

Weekly Challenge Number 12 - Back to SchoolOnly 9 days until school starts up again. This upcoming Fall quarter I have the unfortunate scheduling misfortune of having to endure an 8 a.m. class twice a week. Yes, that was me you just heard groaning. The good news is that I’m just three quarters away from a shiny new college degree. The bad news is that I’m not sure if I can pull it off. We shall see… Bwa ha ha!

Enjoy the tale of woe that is my back to school challenge song. This might be the first song ever written on toy tambourine.

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The Blue Moon Rules – new music from WE

The Blue Moon Rules

The Blue Moon is a wonderful, wonderful place. This cannot be overstated. I’ve personally enjoyed many alcohol infused evenings amongst good friends within the walls of the Blue Moon’s sweet loving caress. The Blue Moon is easily the best dive bar in all of Seattle. Seriously. And it has been around for FOREVER. Bands such as Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, The Presidents of the United States of America, and Alice In Chains have never graced the Blue Moon stage. But guess what, We Wrote the Book on Connectors has… probably about at least a million times. Which makes WE better than them. Much, much better. Do the math.

A few years ago WE had the privilege of playing at the special Blue Moon 75th anniversary show. Long time Blue Moon talent buyer extraordinaire and current resident Mr. Grumpy Pants, Jason Josephes, commissioned us to write/perform a special Blue Moon tribute song. Which WE did, and it was awesome. WE’ve played the song at every one of our Blue Moon shows since. In fact, the only time WE ever play it now is at the Blue Moon.

Well, WE’ve finally gotten around to finishing the recording that I promised. It has been looooooong overdue. Jason, I apologize for my tardiness. Please don’t kill me, but I will completely understand if you do.

Listen to the song. Love it. Download it (for free). Trade it with your friends.

The Blue Moon Rules!

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WEekly Challenge # 12 – Back to School

Weekly Challenge Number 12 - Back to School

It’s that time of the year again, where dreary faces can be found slogging to and fro back in the trapping unnatural glow of overhead florescent lighting, resigned, sourly steeling for the harsh fall to come. They say you shouldn’t wear white after Labor Day. That’s because the only appropriate shades for the death of summer are dark ones, preferably black.

Yes, it’s the season we reluctantly return to our cages while there is still some fleeting warm breeze and sunshine teasing us just beyond the glass. It’s a damn shame.

Well suck it up kiddo and get on the bus, because WE are going BACK TO SCHOOL.

Songs resulting from this week’s challenge will be posted on Monday. Those who fail to complete this week’s homework assignment will serve an hour of detention helping out in the community, selling merch for another band, while WEARING A DUNCE HAT.

I really wanted there to be a funny clip of the following classic available to show you here, but then I found out it is a terrible movie.

Back to School

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Base Isolation Awareness – music from WE

In light of the recent earthquakes over on the east coast, I think this would be a good time to take a moment to talk about an issue that is near and dear to WE’s heart, the issue of Base Isolation Awareness. Base isolation is an ancient technology that is used to prevent buildings from toppling over in the event of an earthquake. Unbeknownst to most be people, much like the silent superhero, base isolation technology has been saving lives for centuries. Thank God for base isolation, amen.

A few years ago, WE were approached by an actual earthquake engineering scientist to create a song that would bring base isolation awareness to the forefront. He paid us $18 for our song writing services and WE delivered a whopper! The scientist was so impressed that he sent us a copy of a book he authored about seismic technology. WE use to read it sometimes before band practice to pump ourselves up (as pictured above).

The scientist expressed his thanks in an email:

Dear We Wrote the Book On Connectors,

Pardon me for addressing you formally, and collectively, as “We Wrote the Book On Connectors,” but since we have never met, I am hesitant to address you with the more familiar “WE” nickname employed by fans with whom you are on more personal terms.

Well, the first time I heard the song I was blown away, as I was on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and subsequent listenings. HOW DID YOU DO IT?!?! You captured the essence of seismic base isolation theory in song, and you didn’t even use any equations!! I have to use a lot of equations to describe the same thing, but you did it with music!! Wow. Such a great song. And the funky Rasta break is brilliant.

I sent the song to a number of my professional colleagues around the U.S. who are also specialists in the design of, or research on, seismic isolation systems. They all thought it was a great song, too. In expressing their enthusiasm, they also noted that probably our other colleagues in base isolation research aren’t hip enough to “get” the song. They all said the same thing about each other. Strange how we never think other people could possibly be as hip as we are, and they think the same thing about us. Well, as far as I’m concerned, everyone is hip in their own special way.

As a small token of my appreciation for bringing seismic isolation to life in music, I would like to send you a copy of a short book I co-authored on seismic isolation theory and practice. I can’t find your mailing address on your web site, though. Where should I send it? Or should I leave it in a dumpster at a specified time and place for you to retrieve without detection by the Authorities?

Keep on doing whatever it is that you do so well,

With kind regards and admiration,
Andy, Ph.D.

P.S. In turning 50, I weathered my mid-life crisis by buying an accordion, rather than a red sports car.

After you listen to this song, you will have a new found appreciation for something you probably didn’t even know existed. WE hope you will find it as entertaining as it is educational.

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Raptastic(The Song) WEekly Challenge #11- Raptastic

WEekly Challenge # 11 - Raptastic
This week I decided to name my song after the challenge and go from there. This song is basically about how I’m more “raptastic” than all the other suckers out there! Recognize Fool!

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Dr. Fluffenstein – WEekly Challenge #10 – complete


Somewhere out there, somebody owns a cat named Dr. Fluffenstein. It is my hope that one day, that person will hear this song and then proceed to be slightly amused.

Dr. Fluffenstein is my answer to to WEekly Challenge #10 – Pet Names. The die hard WE fans will notice that I’m a few days late with getting this done. I apologize if my tardiness has upset you. Feel free to kick Rick in the crotch the next time you see him. It will make you feel better, I promise.

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