Design By Michael Wallenfels
Friday, September 28th, 8pm
The Bushwick Book Club Seattle presents:
original music inspired by
George Orwell’s 1984
at The Columbia City Theatre – 4916 Rainier Ave S, Seattle WA 98118
Tickets are only $7, get them HERE
For over the past two years The Bushwick Book Club Seattle has put on amazing events delivering original music inspired by books, and this Friday’s show at the Columbia City Theatre will be no exception when they present original music inspired by George Orwell’s 1984. Hold on to your butts!
I just picked up a copy of 1984 from the Bellingham library yesterday and haven’t had time to read it yet. So really I have no idea what the futuristic version of 1984 is going to be like, however, here are some fun facts about the actual 1984.
“Where’s the Beef?” happened
My Dad would say “Where’s the Beef?” every time he farted, it never stopped being hilarious.
Michael Larson won $110,237 on the game show “Press Your Luck” after he memorized the computer-generated patterns used by the game’s board. I went on to say the phrase “No Whammies!” about 10 million times (and counting).
I had several nightmares about my heart getting ripped out of my chest after watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom in the movie theatre. Turns out my Mom was right, I was too young.
I got something for Christmas that year, it was probably some legos or a G.I. Joe toy and I was probably super pumped about it, but I can’t really remember.
After watching The Karate Kid I won an imaginary karate tournament by crane kicking my little sister in the face. Both my Mom and my little sister were unimpressed with my imaginary victory.
I watched the show Three’s Company about a billion times in syndication and still had no idea that it was about a guy who pretended to be gay so his landlord would allow him to live with some hot chicks. Boy was I dumb.
Now that we’ve got those fun facts out of the way, let’s get down to business. I won’t be performing at this show but that won’t stop me from attending. Bwa ha ha! – And it shouldn’t stop you either. There will still be plenty of wonderful 1984 inspired performances to go around. And I almost forgot to mention, that the night will be hosted by funny man extraordinaire Emmett Montgomery. Hooray! I will see you there, but only if you go.
The performers include:
Aaron Shay
Levi Fuller
Wes Weddell
Michael Owcharuk
Jacqueline Leigh
James Pitts
Susy Sun
Debbie Miller (Yay! Adorable!)
Aaron Starkey
Mark Blasco
Michael Wallenfels