WEekly Challenge # 11 – Raptastic

WEekly Challenge # 11 - Raptastic

What do WE know about RAP?

For all the rap WE KNOW, there don’t exist no rhyme, and though WE GOT THE FLOW, WE ain’t got no time. WE gotta get up early, and WE stayed up late, ‘cus like a nat-u-ral, WE PRO-CRASTI-NATE.

Rap(p) battle fools. It’s on. Finna post results on Monday. Believe dat.

Failure to complete this challenge will result in being forced to sing Rapper’s Delight the next time you do Karoke. A witness will need to verify.

Meanwhiles, you should definitely check in about 2:20 on this mofo right here.

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Saturday is Itchy – WEekly Challenge #10

WEekly Challenge # 10 - Pet Names

This is the most last minute song I’ve ever done! Often times I’ll spend all day on Sundays working on my WEekly Challenge songs. Partially because I procrastinate and also because I have Sundays off. This Sunday I planned on using all day to write and record a song, but the day got super busy. I ended up doing this song in about 2 hours.

My original concept for this challenge was “Saturday Part II”, since Mike has already written a song about our dog Saturday. Since I was limited on time and just wanted to get something done, I did this song instead.

Saturday has been really itchy lately. He has inhaled allergies which make his skin itchy.

Here you go. Enjoy!

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Sometimes I wish, that I was not a fish…

Here is a sad tale about a very lonely fish. Take a listen, it is sure to brighten up the gloomy Friday afternoon that I know you’ve probably been having.

[audio:https://wewrotethebookonconnectors.com/WE1/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Fish.mp3|titles=Fish |artists=We Wrote the Book on Connectors]

I am a fish and all I ever get to do is float around
I’ll be honest with you, it gets kind of boring
I don’t like the way the water always seems to pull me down
I get so irritated by all this fucking bullshit

fuck this, that’s what I’m thinking
sometimes I wish
that I was not a fish

My scales are golden but I know that they are wasted on myself
my life is pretty worthless any way you look at it
i get so lonely i’m the only fish who’s swimming by himself
there is no lady fish to accept my fishy kisses

you think it’s so god damn hilarious when you’re tappping on the glass
you’re a fucking asshole, and I hate your fucking mother
I’m gonna take this plastic scuba man and shove him up your ass
how does that feel?
i bet it feels really fucking awesome

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WEekly Challenge #10 – Pet Names

WEekly Challenge # 10 - Pet Names

No, not Baby Cakes, Sweetie Pie, or other confectionery cooing. Not my dearest darling snooky snuggle bear.

Not those pet names.

We’re talking Virginia Woof, or Bing Clawsby. Iggy Pup, or Captain Poopfoot or even vanilla standards like Rex or Rover or Scooter or Rascal. PET names. Or animal companion names, if you must.

That’s this week’s topic du jour – the names we give animals. WE has a proud history of songwriting about animals. The WE Songwriting Service has counted the subject among the most popular requests, from haunting refrains on losing one’s furry companion to the great beyond, and more. WE’ve even touched on this more specific topic before, with not one but TWO songs sharing the names of little dogs close to Ben’s heart. Zenzi – Ben’s Mom’s feisty daschund, and of course Saturday, Ben’s wife’s lovable little ball of disaster.

Why those names? Why anything at all? It’s not like the damn things listen. Some are great, and some are not (it’s not like WE’re one’s to be pointing fingers when it come’s to naming things). But all are welcome fodder for a songwriting challenge.

There’s a moniker mystery ready to be unraveled here, and I know just the guys to do it: Dr. MJV and Professor Ben Baier. The finished songs will be posted Monday of next week. Failure to complete the challenge will result in you introducing yourself to strangers with your new pet name of the band’s choice, all night, at the next WE show.

What are some of your favorite pet names? Let us know in the comments below, and here’s a little something to tide you over until Monday.

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My Adventures in Sensory Deprivation

I have always been  interested in different levels of consciousness and using it as inspiration for art, so when I first heard about sensory deprivation (about 10 years ago) I knew I had to try it. Just like a lot of things in life I never got around to it to doing it…


First of all I guess I should back up. A lot of you are probably saying “What the heck is sensory deprivation?” Basically sensory deprivation or “floating” is done in a large tank filled with water and about 800 pounds of epsom salt. The water is kept at body temperature, and it is completely dark and silent. Because of all the salt in the water you float on top of the water.  So the idea is that you go float for an hour and a half cut of from external stimuli and you start to relax and your brain actually does some crazy cool stuff. Read more about it here.

A couple of months ago I noticed an ad on craigslist from a float center in Portland called Float On. They were looking for musicians to come in and float, and then write music based on their experiences. These songs are to be put onto a compilation cd and also played at the end of floats to let you know your float is over. I applied right away and was excepted into the program. So I did 6-90 minute floats over the course of 2 weeks and had an additional 2 weeks to finish writing and recording a piece of music.

So did I hallucinate? Not exactly, but I did have some really great experiences. Floating can cause your brain to stay in the theta state for prolonged periods of time so it’s sort of like that feeling when you’re half asleep. The best part to me about floating was actually getting out of the tank and stepping back out into the world. Everything seemed much more vibrant and alive. I felt a powerful and sincere sense of joy, that maybe is better described as Love.

Since moving to Portland I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about starting a project doing instrumental music. I figured this float project would be a good catalyst to get me going and there’s a band name that I’ve been carrying around for a while so I decided this would be the first release of my new instrumental band, “Laughter Club“. I guess at this point it’s just me so it’s not a band, but I’d like to find other people to join with me in making weird sounds and rhythms.

Writing this song was a lot more challenging than I thought.  I wanted to write something simple, but not too simple. Stimulating, but not too stimulating. I went through several ideas before finding the right one.  This song is mostly chanting and little bit of synthesizer and bass. I wasn’t completely sure how I felt about it until I finished it. I then laid down and meditated for a bit and tested it out. After that experience I feel that it will be a great song for coming out of a float.

Take a listen for yourself! For best results, float in a tank of water for 90 minutes prior to listening. If you can’t do that then maybe just close your eyes and breath deep while listening.

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The Bushwick Book Club presents: original music inspired by “The Outsiders” – August 20th @ Conor Byrne

The Bushwick Book Club presents orignal music inspired by "The Outsiders"

Saturday, August 20th at the next Bushwick Book Club show, I will be performing an orignal tune, inspired by this crappy book that I’m currently reading. The other performers include Geoff Larson, Don Rauf, Mark Blasco, Lydia West, Sarah Shay, Eva Lang, Karen Lindenberg, Wes Weddell, Galen Green, Bridget Quigg, The Half Brothers, Michael Deniver, Michael O’Driscol and Man With Hat.

It will be a hoot! Get your tickets now before it is too late. You can purchase them here.

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Feynman Leap (new music) – The Bushwick Book Club

Here is a song I wrote/performed a few months ago for The Bushwick Book Club inspired by a book called “Surely You’re Joking, Mr Feynman!” Now, for those of you don’t know, Richard Feynman was a brilliant physicist who played a major role in inventing the atomic bomb. He also had an unmatched enthusiasm for life and lust for adventure. The book details those adventures as told by the man himself, Richard Feynman. Reading this book was a wonderful experience for me. I highly recommend that you stop whatever it is you may be doing, and start reading it right now. Do it! Now!

The song probably won’t make much sense to you unless you are familiar with the book. But that’s ok. Well, now that I think about it, it probably won’t make much sense even if you are familiar with the book. And that’s ok too. At the time of writing this song my feeling was this. It would be an absolute tragedy to write a song about a physicist without also including mention of the greatest quantum physicsts of my generation, Dr. Samuel Beckett. I can see you all in my mind, nodding your heads in agreement. Good.

enjoy the song

[audio:https://wewrotethebookonconnectors.com/WE1/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Feynman-Leap.mp3|titles=Feynman Leap |artists=We Wrote the Book on Connectors]

And by the way, the next Bushwick Book Club show is on Saturday August 20th at The Conor Byrne. It will be music inspired by The Outsiders (yuk. Not the music, but the book. Yuk). I’m scheduled to perform.

I don’t really care
That I won the Nobel prize
I’d rather close my eyes
And try to get some sleep tonight
Take it off the hook
Don’t bother me again with all this nonsense

You memorized the books
You memorized the words
But you don’t know what they mean
I think that’s absurd
and that’s the reason why
Brazilian science is a fucking joke

There’s a master of quantum physics
By the name of Samuel becket
One day he will leap into me
Right before I give a lecture

The atomic bomb
Is right here in this box
This combination lock
It’s not enough to stop
Somebody like me
from breaking in and reading all your secrets

what a worthless bitch
what a stupid whore
I’m not buying her a drink
I don’t do that anymore
She’s still coming home with me
Because All I have to do is ask her

He says “oh boy”, surprised to find
He’s Shaking hands with albert Einstein
His friend Al’s a hologram
That’s why the car can pass right thru him

Teach me how to draw
Show me how to shade
Somebody will pay me
To draw these naked ladies
I’ll put it in a frame
So you can hang it in your office

you think that you’re so smart
Well, I am not convinced
What took you many years
I learned in fifteen minutes
This map of a cat
Will show me the location of the whiskers

Dr. Becket is changing lives
He Answers to a higher power
Setting right what once went wrong
He hopes his next leap will be his leap home

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Weird and Awesome (MJV version) – WE have a winner!

I was very honored (and a little surprised) when I found out that this song was chosen to be the new official theme song for Weird and Awesome with Emmett Montgomery. During last Sunday night’s show, both songs (Ben’s and mine) were autitioned, the live audience voted, and my song narrowly won over the heart’s of the crowd by just a couple votes. I’m not sure how this happened, but I’ll certainly take it. Kudos to Ben for putting up a good fight with what I think is an amazing song.

So here is it is, the new official theme Song for Weird and Awesome with Emmett Montgomery. Oh, and if you are wondering about the adorable baby bunny graphic at the top of this post, I put it in their because I was tired of looking at Emmett’s ass in the WE mustache underwear. Thought I would do us all a favor and change things up.

[audio:https://wewrotethebookonconnectors.com/WE1/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Weird-and-Awesome.mp3|titles=Weird and Awesome |artists=We Wrote the Book on Connectors]

“One day I hope to be exactly like Emmett Montgomery.” – MJV

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Weird and Awesome(Ben’s Version)-WEekly Challenge #9

Weekly Challenge Number 9 - Weird and Awesome with Emmett MontgomeryWhen I found out Emmett Montgomery had asked us to write some theme songs for his new show “Weird and Awesome with Emmett Montgomery” I knew this was going to be a good week. Emmett is one of the funniest people I know and I’ve always had a good time when we’ve done shows with him. I mean this guy posed in WE panties with us!! How do you beat that!!!? I also know Emmett rolls with some pretty funny people so that was good inspiration as well.

I’m really happy with how my song turned out this week. I basically pictured the opening credits to a show(like a tv show really) and wrote something I thought would be good for that, or for an announcer to talk over. For this reason I didn’t use any words in the song besides Weird, Awesome, With, and Emmett Montgomery.

I was sad I couldn’t make it to the show, but I heard it was pretty wild. From what I heard the audience voted on which song would be the new theme song. My song came in 2nd place!!! Not bad huh?

So anyway here goes. Please enjoy my weird and awesome song!

[audio:https://wewrotethebookonconnectors.com/WE1/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/01-Weird-and-Awesome.mp3|titles=Weird and Awesome|artists=We Wrote the Book on Connectors]
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WEekly Challenge #9 – Weird and Awesome

Weekly Challenge Number 9 - Weird and Awesome with Emmett Montgomery

WE remember when we first met Emmett Montgomery. It was a magical encounter, which WE recall starting out innocent and fun, but then we kind of lost a few weeks there, and then – and then the nice man took WE home.

If Weird and Awesome ever needs a hand, WE think you know WE’d be the first to toss the tool belt in the ol’ Festiva and gun it down the road. Well, that odd rainy day voucher just came due in the form of WEekly Challenge #9: write a theme song for Weird and Awesome with Emmett Montgomery.

Who is this  Emmett Montgomery? What do you mean, WEIRD AND AWESOME?! All questions should be directed to the following half-article from Seattle Gay Scene on this american tall tale of a man and his showcase of follies.

Nice Pipe

Emmett is a founding member of the People’s Republic of Komedy, and a long time fan of limited edition WE panties. He is hilarious, and his newest show boast that “while you may not like it, something will be happening”.

He asked WE to battle out a theme or two, and Mike and Ben said heck yes they would, and that they might even join YOU at the next showing of Weird and Awesome on August 7th at the Annex Theater. Emmett will be playing these two WEekly challenge songs, and the audience will be voting for their favorite. You can also catch it at the same WEIRD venue every first Sunday through the rest of this year.

WEekly Challenge 9 Weird and Awesome Poster

You can even get a peek at a past show the Seattle Channel covered earlier this year. If you like that sort of thing. And if you don’t like this sort of thing, Emmett says “If there is something a little too weird, and/or awesome for you, please support live theater in a different way – by buying booze.

Best of luck to both Mike and Ben. Failure to complete this challenge will result in having to send Emmett a Weird and Awesome Present to give away to his audience.

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